Volunteers Needed for Upcoming Festivals

Festival season is upon us, which means we will be needing a few adults to chaperone and/or drive for the following events:

• All NW Wind Symphony, February 15 and 17: Mr Riler needs 4–6 volunteers to help check in student participants on Friday, February 15 from 10:30 am–12:30 pm and check them out again on Sunday, Feb 17 from 12 pm–2:30 pm (location TBD).

• OSU Band Contest (Wind Symphony): Two adult chaperones are needed for this all-day event. One adult will be needed to ride the bus with Mr. Riler and the majority of students and instruments and the other will need to drive a couple more students. (We have a few more musicians than seats.)

Please contact volunteer coordinator, Jennifer Means, at jennmeans@gmail.com if you can help out at any of these events.

The volunteer spot for the West Salem Jazz festival has been filled, but other adults who wish to attend are welcome.