
While CHS receives some funds from the school district to support the band program, maintaining a superior high school music program requires commitment from students, educators, parents, and boosters. It also requires the financial support of generous sponsors. Therefore, we ask for the assistance of local businesses, and are pleased to offer a sponsorship program that provides benefits and loyalties to those businesses in return.

Annual Sponsorships are available for the 2023-24 school year, in which businesses and community members can support the band program for a full year in exchange for a menu of benefits. Sponsorship levels are listed below.


2023-24 Sponsorship Levels

Pianissimo ($100)

Receive a sponsorship certificate and window cling for display and business name listed in all concert programs.

Piano ($250)

All the benefits of Pianissimo sponsorship plus have your business name listed on the sidebar of our website.

Mezzo Piano ($500)

All the benefits of Piano sponsorship plus 1/8 page advertisement in all CHS Band publications (newsletters, concert programs, etc.) You provide the ad. Plus an end of year Facebook post thanking and promoting your business.

Mezzo Forte ($1000)

All the benefits of Piano sponsorship plus 1/4 page advertisement in all CHS Band publications (newsletters, concert programs, etc.) You provide the ad. Plus a monthly Facebook post thanking and promoting your business.

Forte ($1500)

All the benefits of Mezzo Forte sponsorship plus have your business logo featured on the side bar of every page of our website, as a clickable link to your website. Plus a verbal acknowledgement of your sponsorship at all band concerts.

Fortissimo ($2000+)

All the benefits of Forte sponsorship plus have your logo displayed on a banner at all regular season home basketball and football games, and in the Starlight Parade.


Hurry. Advertising space is placed on a first-come, first-served basis. Friends of Cleveland Bands group is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and sponsorships are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

If you would like to become a sponsor of the band program, please fill out and submit the form below. 

    Sponsorship Brochure
    Sponsorship Application