September 18, 2017

Friends of Cleveland Bands

September 18, 2017

6:30 – 7:30 p.m.


Aaron Pearlman, President
Cindi Carrell, Vice President
Jen Means, Treasurer
Heather Randol, Secretary
Gary Riler, ad hoc
Lance Means
Gail Hanks
Patrick Belew
Deborah Kafoury
Eric Hill
Jane Brackett
Maria Green
Tammy Lewis
Craig Lewis
Cathy Corlett
Elissa Szymanczyk
Margie Suydam
Irene McCullagh
David Grigsby
Jennifer Dawkins
Tom Huckabee


  • Successful play-a-thon raised over $20,000 minus a small fee that Go Fund Me collects

Disneyland Trip:

  • Gary meeting with trip coordinator on Wednesday to finalize the itinerary
  • Number of chaperones (1:12 ratio) will depend on how many kids ultimately sign up
  • Chaperone discount will also depend on how many are signed up
  • Today was the deadline to sign up, but Gary will still accepting a few last minute additions
  • Gary estimates approximately 90 people signed up


  • Reviewed budget handout
  • This is our first year developing a budget and planning ahead with fundraising targets
  • Gary has a good idea of his budget needs based on past experience
  • We currently have about $20,000 in our bank account, but much of that is money for the Disneyland trip and will be used for initial payment; additional funds will be added from play-a-thon

Events & Volunteer Opportunities

  • Correction – Pep band 8th grade welcome event is September 29, volunteer coverage for pizza dinner is handled through our hospitality lead
  • TAG day, October 14th – building sponsorships with local businesses, a day for kids to ask for sponsorships in their neighborhoods, needs a lead volunteer
  • Sponsors get various benefits for different levels of sponsorships, details on website and on the fliers, can download fliers and hand them out any time to businesses you frequent
  • Pastini, October 23 and 24 – mention you are there for Cleveland Band fundraiser
  • Imperial Bottle Shop, October 25
  • Note there is never a charge to attend band performances, but we do have bake sales
  • Mattress sale, January 20, 2018 – kids can get credit applied to their Disneyland trip, some funds go to band program (i.e., from sales to people without a specific Cleveland connection); needs a lead volunteer to organize kids that day and help with publicity
  • Jazz & Wine night at Hip Chicks do Wine, April 6, 2018; $15/person, local jazz singer and Cleveland band mom Kat Cogswell will be performing
  • Gary will apply to Starlight parade, but they are accepting entries on rotation so we might not get in this year
  • Encourage everyone to publicize the events via their networks, social media, etc….
  • Encourage everyone to visit the band website to sign up using the volunteer form

Additional Info/Questions:

  • 139 kids are in the band program this year, most of them participated in the play-a-thon
  • Metropolitan Youth Symphony asked if Cleveland would like to host a jazz concert; kids get a free clinic, we may do concessions to raise money; November 7
  • Last spring we discussed the idea of requiring kids who are going to Disneyland to all participate in at least 2 fundraisers; we’re approaching it as a guideline.
  • Uniforms are scheduled to arrive late January or February. Gary plans to get some rolling clothes hangers; he will let us know if he needs assistance when they come in.
  • Will likely need assistance to help packing uniforms for Disneyland trip. We have a truck driver (Tom Huckabee) and he would like some assistance from another volunteer.
  • Gary is working on student leadership; student leaders are helping already, e.g., helped serve food and clean up at the play-a-thon
  • There is a “done in a day” spot on the volunteer form for those who want to help with miscellaneous and one-time needs
  • Discussed idea to have smaller ensembles play for money and raise awareness of the program; Gary does get calls for players, but kids need to have a set together, which they don’t always have in advance; some groups have played at the Cleveland auction, Shamrock run, and a few other events.  Depending on the situation, it may be most appropriate for band kids to keep some or all of their earnings.
  • We have a middle school liaison to ensure our events get in the middle school newsletters.
  • We have a coordinator for clothing purchases.
  • Instrument donations are great and Gary always says yes. The school often needs bigger items; Gary has a wishlist, we could add it to the website; donations are tax deductible.

 Upcoming Meetings

Monday, October 16, 6:30 p.m.

Monday, November 27, 6:30 p.m.

Starting in January we’re planning on the third Monday of each month