Private Lessons

As students begin to develop into musicians at the high school level, an important part of their training can be private instruction. Mr. Riler recommends private instruction for any student who has a desire to improve and perform on their instrument. 

Private instruction can be leveraged for students in any situation.

  • It can be those who feel that they need help to get caught up
  • It can be for those that need additional work to challenge them and prepare them to be able to be leaders in the high school ensemble
  • It can be to develop skills like improvisation, mastering solo literature, etc
  • It can be to develop skills to prepare for the next level as a music major or minor


If you are interested in starting lessons for your student musicians but have questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Riler via email. Teachers with an asterisks by their name are those that Mr. Riler would highly recommend based on what he has witnessed, or in some cases, because of testimonials from other colleagues.