PPS Students Need Your Help

Dear Cleveland Band Family,

The pandemic has called for our students to stay at home until at least November 5th. PPS is doing a LOT of positive work to make online learning significant and supportive for students and families. However, the high school schedule is threatening the equitable access to music classes across all high schools because the district is heavily considering a 4×4 class schedule.

Please take time to read the attach PDF and, if you are able, please send this message to: Chief of Schools, Shawn Bird (shbird@pps.net) and reentry lead Brenda Martinek (bmartinek@pps.net) not later than Monday, August 10th (today) afternoon at 5:00 pm so that your voice of support for an 8-period schedule (as normal) will reach the school board directors before the meeting.


– Gary Riler