Play-a-thon 2020 Event Coordinator Needed!

The Play-a-thon is the band program’s biggest fundraiser! It is extremely important that we start the year with a solid team. We currently have a Live Stream Operator and Fundraising Chair (GoFundMe and donations manager, etc.) in place for fall 2020 but still need one important part of the team. We are looking for an Event Coordinator! The Event Coordinator’s duties include:

  • Works with Hospitality Chair to plan menu and logistics for serving dinner, snacks, and water to all participating band students throughout the evening
  • Works with Communications Chair, making sure the event is well advertised in the Band‘s weekly newsletters, social media sites, outside promotion (local news), Enews etc.
  • Manages parent chaperones throughout the Play-a-thon evening, trouble-shooting as needed; working with chaperones to block off restricted areas of the school, etc.
  • Arranges for borrowed tables and chairs (from CHS) to be available and set-up for the event, then returned at the end of the evening
  • Arrange for movies and DVD players to be run throughout the event in the student hang-out room(s)
  • Arrange contact with vendors to provide gift cards for participating students (Dutch Bros in the past)
  • Works alongside Livestream Coordinator, Fundraising Coordinator, and FOCB to support their efforts for a successful event

Interested in finding out more? Please contact volunteer coordinator Jennifer Means at