November 6, 2017

FOCB Officers Meeting
November 6, 2017, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Aaron Pearlman
Cindi Carrell
Jen Means
Heather Randol
Gary Riler

Director’s Update
• See attached Director’s Report for details
• Suggest a winter decoration that does not reflect a particular religious tradition for winter concert
• Correction to Director’s report: deposits are due for busses.
• Approx. $5000 left in SBF account
• Beginning stages of a district-wide parents group to advocate for district support for music education

Treasurer’s Update/2017-2018 Budget Review:
• See attached Budget Update
• We’re approximately $2000 away from our annual fundraiser goal
• $2000 donation from the Stoor Family Endowment fund
• Restaurant fundraisers – remind families to tell their server when they pay

Upcoming Events & volunteer needs
• Metropolitan Youth Symphony performance at CHS – November 7th, Jen leading concessions
• WIBC – Nov 17 – Nov 20 – female chaperone needed
• Winter Concert – Dec 12, Brianne leading the bake sale, Jen will communicate with Brianne about logistics and recruiting participants
• Future Warriors concert – Thursday, January 18th – possible concessions opportunity
• Mattress Sale Saturday, January 20th
• Alcohol at fundraising events going forward – At the request of the Director, FOCB agreed to complete the fundraisers planned for this year, but in subsequent years keep co-op fundraisers focused on family events that students can participate in
Disneyland Trip
• Truck rental for trip – Jen has a potential lead on a trailer, may not be big enough; we have a hold on a 40 foot truck with U-Haul, Gary to find out how big the truck was they used at Madison
• Special financial request from a band family – another family cancelled their participation so we can redirect those funds to this recent request
• How to manage meals/food – give folks options for meals – Jen to prepare info sheet re: meal options to hand out at parents meeting before Winter Concert, will need provided meal info from Gary

Review Mission Statement and Bylaws
• Hold for next meeting, Cindi to add a clause about sharing costs (prorated) with PTA for a tax preparer

Other Items
• Parent feedback about lack of performances at football games, Jen explained to her some of the parameters around weather and scheduling

Review Action items from October officers meeting:
• Jen will delineate the Disneyland expenses and income more specifically on the budget (Done)
• cancel Tag Day for Saturday, October 14 (done)
• Susan, Cindi and Isaac are doing eNews articles, Facebook, and draft emails for Gary to send to parents regarding upcoming Pastini and Bottle Shop fundraisers (done)
• Email last month’s FOCB general meeting attendees that the regular October meeting is cancelled and there will be a meet up at 7:00 p.m. at the Bottle Shop (Done)
• Plan for concessions at MYS event November 7th at CHS – Jen taking the lead
• Invite key volunteers such as Tammy and Isaac and Susan to attend executive meetings – still pending, Aaron’s action item

Upcoming Meetings
• November 27 – all parents meeting cancelled
• Disneyland parents meeting possibly the night of the winter concert, December 12, 6 p.m.
• Next FOCB Officers meeting – January 8th
• Late Jan/early Feb combined Disney meeting, FOCB parents meeting, January 22nd 6:30

Summary of Action Items
• Aaron – Invite key volunteers such as Tammy and Isaac and Susan to attend executive meetings
• Jen – communicate with Brianne about logistics and recruiting participants for bake sale at Winter Concert
• Gary – find out how big the truck was they used at Madison for hauling instruments to Disneyland
• Gary to provide Jen with information about meals for Disneyland trip
• Jen to prepare info sheet re: meal options for Disneyland trip to hand out at parents meeting before Winter Concert
• Cindi to add a clause to bylaws about sharing costs (prorated) with PTA for a tax preparer

Future/long-term action items for tracking
• Identify a lead on go-fund-me for play-a-thon by April, i.e., replacement for Aaron’s function
• Recommend that Gary write to PTA in the spring and request that they include band sponsorship in their budget
• Review and approve bylaws and mission statement
• Advertise for more sponsors on Band Programs
• Consider planning Tag Day for late summer 2018