Message from the Director

Cleveland Band Family,

As we see our winter break coming, I wanted to extend a thank you to everyone for doing their part in making our last few months very successful. There is a great deal of coordination on everyone’s part just to make sure all have arrived on time, in the appropriate attire, with everything they need, and so on.

I would also like to especially thank any and all that have volunteered their time for any of our events to chaperone, bring food, assist with Play-a-thon, Bake Sale, etc. This is above and beyond, and we could not make these events happen without you!

Finally, I would also like to thank our student leadership students who have coordinated their efforts with our adult volunteers and filled in roles so adults did not need to do them at all. Another huge reason that this program accomplishes what it does.

Enjoy a great break, and keep those chops strong (practice) so we can hit the ground running in January!

With Gratitude,
Gary Riler