May 8, 2017

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Friends of Cleveland Bands
May 8, 2017

Aaron Pearlman, President
Cindi Carrell, Vice President
Jen Means, Treasurer
Heather Randol, Secretary
Gary Riler, ad hoc
Lance Means
Sacha Reich
Craig Lewis
Tammy Lewis
Maria Green
Christie Riler
Note: These minutes reflect that we agreed to the officers noted above at our April 2017 meeting.

Cleveland’s bookkeeper is mailing the uniform contract to district contracting person; they will assess pre-payment options to see if we can take advantage of the discount.
We may be able to announce the uniform purchase at the May 25 concert.

Upcoming Events:
Awards Concert – Thursday, May 25 – reviewed agenda for performances and awards; senior plaques; process for earning a letter; if possible, acknowledge Tammy O’Neil and her support for the band program.
Starlight Parade – June 3rd – students will be marching in the old uniforms
Commitment Meeting for Spring 2018 California trip – Date to be determined pending the districts approval of the trip. Meeting must happen before the end of this school year. Those interested will be required to attend and to make a deposit. Friends would like to communicate that scholarship help is available (see Fundraising discussion below)
CHS Fall Mini Camp – August 22 – 24 – All Freshman on the 22nd, everyone else the 23rd, third day is a potluck/family-oriented day
California Trip – March 22-25, 2018

Old uniforms may be able to be sold, need to confirm with district which account the proceeds
would have to be deposited in.
Concessions/Bake Sale at May 25th concert; promote the California trip as the purpose,sales
both before and after create community, and band kids get to participate after the concert.
Fundraiser ideas – in addition to the play-athon for general funds, a fall fundraiser for the
California trip should be planned. Ideas include: a movie night; Union Manor dinner; restaurant
fundraiser dinner; sponsorship levels, both for families and for corporate sponsors. Other ideas
to be fleshed out at June meeting.
A budget would help us determine how much fundraising we need to do for operating funds,
California trip, etc…
Bands with corporate sponsorship programs often have a “tag” day, where kids head out and
hand out fliers to businesses
Discussed scholarships vs. buy-down to reduce trip expenses for everyone, or some combination;
trip costs are already down to $900/person, should we commit to scholarship for everyone who
wants attend? More discussion at June meeting with additional data (see Action Items).

Other News:
Mr. Riler is the new OMEA District 1 Chair – he will be raising the concern that the OAAA does
not pay for transportation for Activities, only Athletics.
Measuring is almost done for uniforms.
Mr. Riler is almost done with band calendar for next year.
PTA is voting how to incorporate us into their group and there will be a letter of agreement, then
we will open an account at US Bank.

Action Items:

  • Cindi to apply for another Pastini night
  • Sacha to ask Starbucks for coffee donations for the May 25th concert, decaf and regular
  • Jen and Aaron to bring sponsorship ideas including corporate level, as well as a budget
  • Cindi to come up with Google sheet to help facilitate the development of a budget
  • Cindi to look for free/reduced portion of the student body to help project scholarship need
    and help group consider whether or not to have a buy-down for California trip

Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 30th, 5:30 p.m.