January 8, 2018

FOCB Officers Meeting
January 8, 2018, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Cindi Carrell
Karen Lenore
Craig Lewis
Tammy Lewis
Jen Means
Aaron Pearlman
Heather Randol
Gary Riler
Isaac Szymanczyk

Director’s Update
• See attached Director’s Report

Treasurer’s Update/2017-2018 Budget Review:
• Budget has money to spend, director’s requests can be covered (instruments, upcoming travel, uniform racks, Disney t-shirts, see Directors Report) – Heather moved to approve these purchases, Cindi seconded; motion approved.
• See attached Budget Report.
• Bank balance is currently $80,460.18; approx.. $53,500 is for Disneyland trip
• Upcoming fundraisers include mattress sale, wine and jazz night, bake sales at concerts
• If there is extra money, perhaps something extra for the kids at the end of the year; there should be enough money for plaques for all of the seniors
• Other Fundraiser will be more detailed in the future, breakdown of current line: $2500 donations, $1100 car wash, $350 t-shirt/clothing sells; suggestions for individual line items next year: “event fundraisers,” “merchandising fundraisers,” etc…

Upcoming Events & volunteer needs
a) Future Warriors Concert – Jan. 18 – a presence from FOCB recommended; approx. 84 eight grade band students who will be coming to Cleveland next year; see action items for board members.
b) Mattress Sale – Feb. 3 – Gary is coordinating kids to stand on corners, coordination for publicity underway.
c) Bridging the Gap – Feb. 8- no assistance needed
d) US Navy Band – Feb. 17 – Saturday night, need volunteers for ticket distribution, publicity, concessions, in the gym; see action items
e) Wine and Jazz at Hip Chicks to Wine – April 6th; Square page is set up for tickets
f) Winter/Spring band trips and competitions – parent help needed as noted in Director’s report

Disneyland Trip
• Truck rental/driver for Disney trip – Tom has reservation for a $900 U-Haul truck, and he has a second driver.
• Final Payment reminders & exceptions policy
• Disney update at parents meeting January 22 at 6:30 p.m.: final payment reminder, meal reminder, date of pre-trip parent/student meting

Review Mission Statement and Bylaws
• On hold until after Disneyland trip, but to be completed by end of year
• In draft bylaws, consider adding additional board positions, such as volunteer coordinator, at large members, communications specialist, etc…

Other Items
• The state opens the legislature with a band every morning, Tami sent Gary an email with details
• Several people are posting on Facebook; Board recommends that Isaac take the lead on posting scheduled events but leave open the possibility of others posting items like pictures from recent events
• Discussed possible logo for FOCB that could be used for printed thank you cards, letterhead, etc… Board to revisit at a future meeting

Review Action items from October officers meeting:
• Aaron – Invite key volunteers such as Tammy and Isaac and Susan to attend executive meetings (Done)
• Jen – communicate with Brianne about logistics and recruiting participants for bake sale at Winter Concert (Done)
• Gary – find out how big the truck was they used at Madison for hauling instruments to Disneyland (Done)
• Gary to provide Jen with information about meals for Disneyland trip (Done)
• Jen to prepare info sheet re: meal options for Disneyland trip to hand out at parents meeting before Winter Concert (Done)
• Cindi to add a clause to bylaws about sharing costs (prorated) with PTA for a tax preparer
Upcoming Meetings
• January 22nd 6:30 – All parents meeting, include Disneyland update; mention Board positions and volunteer opportunities for next year; elections to be held closer to the end of the school year; have a handout with a list of roles for people to think about for next year, sense of commitment, etc..; discuss upcoming fundraisers and events & volunteering for them;
• February 12th 6:00 FOCB Board meeting – further discuss ideas for new board positions
• March 12th – 6:30 Disney Parents/Students/Chaperone meeting
• April 9th – 6:00 FOCB Board meeting – finalized mission statement bylaws, discuss logo ideas

Summary of Action Items
• Jen to contact the volunteer list for those who signed up as “pit crew” to see if we can get a truck to pick up uniform racks.
• Cindi to contact Monica about concessions at Navy Band Concert
• Cindi to research Event Brite for tickets at the Navy Band Concert
• Isaac can help with PSA text, and can connect with Oregon Military Department
• Heather to contact Veteran’s Affairs for possible help day-off; ticket takers, ushers, publicity
• Gary to contact PPS communication director re: Navy Band publicity
• Cindi will get mardi-gras beads for FOCB/parents at Future Warriors
• Jen to coordinate concessions at Future Warriors Concert
• Gary/Jen to coordinate on fliers re: mattress sales at Future Warriors concert
• Aaron to say a few words about FOCB and mattress sale at Future Warriors concert
• Isaac to draft a schedule for FB posts for scheduled events
• Gary to talk to Tom to confirm Disneyland truck arrangements are final, and will check payment/donation situation; Tom should probably put it on his card to cover insurance
• Cindi to ask Michelle about putting mattress sale on school sign
• Jen to contact volunteer list for people who signed up to chaperone for winter/spring trips Gary needs help with

Future/long-term action items for tracking
• Identify a lead on go-fund-me for play-a-thon by April, i.e., replacement for Aaron’s function
• Recommend that Gary write to PTA in the spring and request that they include band sponsorship in their budget
• Review and approve bylaws and mission statement
• Advertise for more sponsors on Band Programs
• Consider planning Tag Day for late summer 2018