Friends of Cleveland Bands (FOCB) Welcome

Welcome to the 2020–21 school year! Friends of Cleveland Bands (FCOB) is a parent-led, non-profit organization providing support for the CHS band program through volunteer service and financial assistance. To achieve this goal, we work closely with Band Director Gary Riler and many dedicated volunteers throughout the year.There are many ways you can participate, although like everything else in the world currently, how we operate and participate this year is already looking quite a bit different, and will continue to evolve as the pandemic and public health response to it dictate. In years past parent volunteers might bring baked goods to a band concert, help out at a specific event like the annual Play-a-Thon, or join the FOCB Board and help fund raise and plan current and future events.

We appreciate any and all participation from parents and supporters of our student musicians, and while the opportunities may look a bit different this year, there will no doubt be a need for parents to get involved. In fact it may be more valuable than ever, as we look for innovative ways to keep our kids playing music as “together” as possible this year, whether virtually, distanced in open-air places, or through pulling together individual performances to construct videos approximating a concert experience as best we can.

100% of the Cleveland High School Band program’s budget comes from fundraising. The CHS Bands receive zero funds from the school district. FOCB provides funds for sheet music, instrument purchase and maintenance, extra musical coaching and clinician support, event entry fees, transportation costs, and student scholarships. And this year there may be unique expenses in order to ensure our musicians all have the ability to participate in distance musical learning. FOCB funds help ensure that all students can participate in band regardless of financial status, and support a high quality musical experience for all.

Visit our page at to learn more about our organization and how you can participate. Watch for more information soon about our exciting and largest fundraiser of the year: the Play-a-Thon! We have yet to determine a date for this year, or determine exactly how it will function to be safe and fun for everyone taking part, but we’ll be organizing it over the coming months.

We will have a zoom FOCB meet and greet very soon, stay tuned for more information. Please join us, meet the parent volunteers that make up FOCB. We’d love to meet as many band parents as possible, answer any questions you might have, and hear how you may like to participate in FOCB activities this year.

Joel Pomeroy
FOCB President