February 12, 2018

FOCB Board Meeting

Jen Means, Lance Means, Cindi Carell, Aaron Pearlman, Eric Hill (notes)

Treasurer Report:
Most LA money has come in—all but two students are paid in full. Overall spending is in line with budget. It may be time to start on 2018-19 budget.

Mattress Sale: $3200 proceeds on 26 mattresses. 13 walk-ins, 13 referrals. $2500 was budgeted. We do not yet know how much will be earmarked for students. Jen will figure it who has what credit.

Going forward, we should consider budgeting LA trip as separate line items on income and expenses. Will also should figure out a way to do a two-year budgeting cycle for the trip.

Navy Band:
~770 sold of 1500 available. Gym fits 1700. May not choose to take tickets. Cindy will send Jen the password to the ticket list. Advert was in eNews again today. Monica Harding will do concessions. Cindy will check in with her on status.

Advertisements have gone out on PPS Facebook page, eNews, and Nextdoor.

Automatic reminder will go out to ticket holders 48 hours before.


  • Set-up crew start at 3pm
  • Ticket takers start at 5:30pm
  • Teardown crew starting at 20 minutes after
  • Currently 10 adult volunteers
    • Aaron will commit to setup at 3pm
    • Need an email with volunteer assignments. Jen will check with Gary.
  • FOCB would like to fund pizza

Chamber Music Recital, 3/1:
Small group solo and ensemble group. Concessions? Jen will check. Would be nice to have something.

Festival Concert/Disney Meeting/Bake Sale:
March 13, Tuesday.

Band Award Concert:
No bake sale, but will do hosted refreshments. We have budget, could pre-order cookies through Franz.

State Band:
State band is on 5/12. The board proposes making goodie bags for students. We could pull these together during/after a parent Monday, May 7.

Cindy has a draft tribute tag (10-15 to do). She will send it around for review.


  • Unanimously approve $517.60 for concert toms purchase
  • Unanimously approve $200 out of contingency for gifts

Likely candidates:
President: Eric H.
VP: Cindy
Communications: Jen
Secretary: Stacy Levitt from the Sellwood Foundation?
Fund Raising: ??
Volunteer Coordinator: (could be shared with Communications if we find a treasurer)
At Large (social media): Isaac

Other possibilities, :
Susan Duck (Cindy), Chris or Susan Lattimore (Eric), Karen Lenore (Jen), Irene, Lindsey, Liz Gatti, Craig and Tammy (Aaron), Stacy Lovett (Jen), Isaac (Aaron)

• Jen will figure out who has what credit for the mattress sale
• Cindy will check in with Monica on concession status for Navy Band
• Jen will check with Gary on work assignments for the Navy Band and make sure that an email reminder goes out (COMPLETE)
• Jen will work with Gary on whether not we do concessions for the Chamber Music Recital on 3/1
• Cindy will draft tribute tag around for review
• FOCB board will reach out to list above to recruit new board members.

Two-year budgeting cycle for the trip
In school pizza/cake lunch party for graduating band seniors

April 9, 6:00pm—FOCB Board Meeting
May 7, 6:30pm—Parent Meeting. Adopt a budget. Board elections. Goodie bags. Call for Starlight volunteers. Need to make sure this is in Sellwood, Hosford, and Winterhaven news letters.
June wrap up and calendaring meeting.