Cleveland will again Host the 2025 PIL Solo & Ensemble Contest – Volunteers needed!!

On Saturday, February 22 Cleveland HS will host the District 1 Solo & Ensemble Festival/Contest. In order to accomplish this, we rely on parent and student volunteers to help make the event run smoothly. We need parent help both Friday afternoon and Saturday to assist with setting up, supervising students, and putting classrooms back the way we found them. Here is the sign-up link.

Please help us make this a memorable event for all who participate!

Chamber Music Recital, Thursday February 20

We will be celebrating the hard work of many of our chamber groups on Thursday, Feb 20 at 7pm in the auditorium. This will be an excellent opportunity to perform in front of an audience before they perform for judges on Saturday, Feb 22.

We will enjoy treats after the performances have concluded that evening.

Join the Friends of Cleveland Bands Board!

The Cleveland Bands program needs your help. Several board positions will be vacant next year, and we’re looking for new band parents to join our team. By attending a few meetings this spring, you can learn about the roles and find the perfect fit for your schedule. Each position is designed to be manageable, with responsibilities shared among board members.

If you value your student’s band experience, please help us continue this excellent program. Email us at or just join us at our next board meeting.