OMEA Performance Chaperones Needed – ride to Eugene in style!

Please consider accompanying the Cleveland HS Wind Ensemble to Eugene, Oregon for the day on Saturday, January 18th. Two chaperones are needed to ride with Wind Ensemble to their 1:00pm performance in Eugene. A charter bus has been reserved for this trip. Chaperones will meet the band at Cleveland on January 18th at 8:00am and are expected to return to Portland around 5:30pm.

Thank you for giving your time to support the band!

Here is the sign up sheet.

OMEA Performance: Drivers Needed in Eugene, Saturday January 18th

I was notified on Monday that it is my responsibility to provide transportation to all of our All-State students from their rehearsal spaces to our concert performance at the Hult Center and then back to their rehearsals.

I am hopeful that 5-6 parents may be coming to Eugene to enjoy our concert on Saturday, January 18. If so, please contact me ASAP so we can develop a transportation plan for our All-State members.

I appreciate you all!!

Future Warrior Concert – January 14

We are excited to host our middle school feeders at our upcoming concert this Tuesday @ 7pm
Concert Band and Wind Ensemble will also be performing at this concert.

Wind Ensemble will be providing a preview concert of what they will be playing on Saturday at the OMEA State Music Educators Conference.

Included in the set is a piece that will be performed in honor of our beloved staff member that we lost this last fall – Casey Dyer.

Wind Ensemble Retreat – Tuesday January 28th.

Our Wind Ensemble retreat later this month on January 28th is a non-school day. The entire ensemble is expected to attend, as we are paying a clinician to come work with us for an extended period of time. We will also have section coaches coming for the first hour. Our clinician is a retired band director from Pacific Lutheran University – Ed Powell. He is a fabulous musician and educator, and I am excited to have him share his expertise and passion with all of us.

Join the Friends of Cleveland Bands Board!

The Cleveland Bands program needs your help. Several board positions will be vacant next year, and we’re looking for new band parents to join our team. By attending a few meetings this spring, you can learn about the roles and find the perfect fit for your schedule. Each position is designed to be manageable, with responsibilities shared among board members.

If you value your student’s band experience, please help us continue this excellent program. Email us at or just join us at our next board meeting.