Grand Floral Parade

Cleveland will be representing our community, school and PPS again.  This time we will be in the Grand Floral Parade.  There will be a need for 10-12 parent volunteers the day of that event.  We will also need volunteers to help with uniform fittings in the early Spring.  More details to come as the event approaches.

PSU Invitation

The Cleveland HS Wind Ensemble has been invited to share a concert with Portland State on June 6, 2024 (location is still TBD).  A survey was sent to our seniors, and they have committed to being available to participate in this concert.  More information will be forthcoming.

Finals Recital/Solo & Ensemble

The recitals in all of the classes were EXCELLENT!  I am very proud of all of the students who most definitely put great effort into preparing their pieces.

Every last ensemble with a month more of preparation would do an OUTSTANDING job at Solo & Ensemble on February 24th.  Students should strongly consider REGISTERING.  The cost to participate is $o.oo (free), and students will receive a short clinic from a well-respected music educator to help them continue to improve their ensemble skills.


Students performing solos for Solo & Ensemble should have confirmed a piano accompanist by now.  There are FIVE districts holding Solo & Ensemble the same exact day, which will be a strain on all of our accompanists in the Portland Metro Area.

If you need assistance finding an accompanist, here are my RECOMMENDATIONS.

Grand Floral Parade

Cleveland will be representing our community, school and PPS again.  This time we will be in the Grand Floral Parade.  There will be a need for 10-12 parent volunteers the day of that event.  We will also need volunteers to help with uniform fittings in the early Spring.  More details to come as the event approaches.

PSU Invitation

The Cleveland HS Wind Ensemble has been invited to share a concert with Portland State on June 6, 2024 (location is still TBD).  A survey was sent to our seniors, and they have committed to being available to participate in this concert.  More information will be forthcoming.

2024 All-City Honor Band

Congratulations to our All-City Honor Band students who will be rehearsing and performing this year under the baton of Dr. Dhan Pham from Washington State University.  He was just awarded the Washington Music Educators College/University Outstanding Music Educator Award for his contributions to music education in the state of Washington.

Alice Bokman
Jesse Broderick
Camille Burgoine
Sebastian Elder
Maya Faulhaber
Tai Friel
Luca Haverty
Cooper Headrick
Barrett Oilar
Lukas Oliver
Vince Randol
Ben Steckler Heim
Stella Tinker
Remi Vasquez