PIL Band Contest recap

The Cleveland HS Wind Ensemble had a wonderful performance at McDaniel HS on March 19 at the PIL Band Contest.  This was a State qualifying event, with the added incentive that the highest scoring band receives an automatic bid to the State Band Championships (as long as they meet or exceed the minimum requirement for qualification, which is a score of 75).  Our Wind Ensemble had three scores over the minimum requirement receiving scores of 78, 83 and 86 and a sight reading score of 54 out of 60.  This was the highest score of the day, making the Cleveland HS Wind Ensemble the PIL Champion and automatic qualifiers for the 2024 OSAA State Band Championships.

The State Band Championships are held at the LaSells Stewart Center on the Oregon State University campus (located across from Reser Stadium).  We will be performing on Saturday, May 11, with the performance time being revealed near the end of April. Most league champions play in the evening.

FOCB meeting tonight

Join us in the band room at 6:30pm tonight.  Hear the Director’s Report from Mr. Riler.  We’ll also be talking about upcoming events like the State contests and some dine-out nights.

If you’re interested in getting involved with us, this meeting is the perfect opportunity to get plugged in!

Subscribe to new calendar system

Our existing calendar system was beginning to have trouble displaying updated events, so we’ve replaced it with a new system that hopefully will be trouble-free.

Unfortunately, that means everyone needs to remove the old band calendar and subscribe to the new one.  After you’ve removed the old calendar from your device:

  1. Visit the Calendar Page.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select one of the available subscription options:
    • Google Calendar – this option opens your calendar in a web browser (required by Google).  You will need to login to your Google account to complete the import.
    • Apple Calendar – this option should work via any Apple device.
    • Outlook – this option should work via any Windows device with the full Outlook application installed.  If using Outlook365, copy the “Add to Outlook” URL and use these instructions to “Subscribe from web”.
    • ICS file – this standard calendar file can be downloaded and imported into any calendar system.  If you opt for this method, you may need to periodically download updates to stay current.
While we’ve tested this new system with several different setups, there’s always bound to be bugs with a new system.  Please contact me if you encounter any issues (communications@clevelandbandspdx.com)

Wind Ensemble update

The Wind Ensemble will have an important evening rehearsal Monday (3/18) night from 6:30pm-8pm, due to the fact that the PIL Band Contest is Tuesday, our last rehearsal in class was Friday and we don’t meet on Monday during school.

The Wind Ensemble will perform Tuesday at McDaniel HS in the PIL Band Contest at 10:45am.  The public is free to attend this event.

Clackamas Jazz Festival recap

The Jazz Ensemble performed well at the Clackamas Jazz Festival, but did not make the top 3.  We are looking forward to Jazz Night on April 11 where we will feature our combo work and a couple charts that we ended up not getting to play at Clackamas due to the number we rolled.

Festival Concert

Join us for a wonderful night of music as our large ensembles present the pieces they’ve been preparing for this season’s band festivals.  The concert will be on Tuesday, March 12th at 7pm in the CHS Auditorium.  Admission is free.  The Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble will be performing.

Make sure to save some room for dessert!  Our Bake Sale will be taking place before and after the concert.  We have enough baked goods pledges, but could still use a few servers.  Please sign up here to help serve.