Pie Fundraiser Order Forms Due Thursday and Friday

Order forms for the pie fundraiser are due this Thursday and Friday, October 24th and 25th! Make sure students bring the forms in.

Pies will be available for pick up on Wednesday, November 13. Just in time for your thanksgiving holiday! Willamette Valley Pie Company has a couple of new offerings that you will want to have on your holiday table this year.

Pie Fundraiser

Each year students have the opportunity to sell pies to friends and family to offset their cost to participate in band trips such as the Disney trip next Spring.

Order forms for the Pie Fundraiser have gone home with students. Order forms are due Oct 24th and 25th. Pies will be available for pick up on Wednesday, November 13. Just in time for your thanksgiving holiday! Willamette Valley Pie Company has a couple of new offerings that you will want to have on your holiday table this year.

Ask for Volunteers

Cleveland High School Bands would not be the outstanding program it is without the financial support we receive from our community. A large part of that support comes in the form of sponsorships from local businesses. Each year thousands of dollars of band expenses are paid by money we receive these sponsors.

Friends of Cleveland Bands currently does not have a member managing sponsorships. This could lead to a significant hole in our band budget for this year.

We are asking for volunteers to help with the tasks that the sponsorship chairperson normally manages. Each task is relatively small and we hope some of you could take on one or two tasks to help keep sponsors a source of funding for our bands.

Please look at this Sign Up Genius page to see if you can help us.

FOCB Meeting Tonight

Join us in the band room at 6:30 pm tonight, Monday, October 7th.  Hear the Director’s Report from Mr. Riler and a recap of our successful Play-A-Thon.

If you’re interested in getting involved with us and help support our band program, this meeting is the perfect opportunity to get plugged in! The back entrance to the school near the band room will be open just before 6:30 pm.

Thank You Pep Band Volunteers

Thank you to the following generous people who helped out serving Pizza to a hungry group of musicians for our Pep Band on Friday October 4. We hosted the incoming 8th grader musicians at this event.

Andrew Rice, Bree Rampage, Carolyn Choi, Debbie Conrad, Emily Swanson, Jim Schaller, and Tayler Kim.

Fundraising, Sponsorship and Volunteer Coordinators Needed

Friends of Cleveland Bands is still looking to fill the following positions on the board this year – Volunteer Coordinator and Fundraising/Sponsorship Coordinator. The jobs are fully templated and will only take a few minutes of your time each month. It’s pretty easy and is also an opportunity to get to know more band parents. Many hands make light work and these roles are vital for supporting our bands. Please join us!