August 31, 2017

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FOCB Officers Meeting


August 31, 2017, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.


Aaron Pearlman
Cindi Carrell
Jen Means
Heather Randol
Gary Riler

2017-2018 Budget Review:

  • Garage sale made approx. $2700
  • Car wash made $1097
  • Sponsorships – two for $100 each have been received, Jen to determine certificates to display
  • No new expenditures; next year, consider small picnic budget
  • Only expenditures to date were for garage sale supplies, picnic site rental


Upcoming Fundraisers and Events

  • Pastini – October 23, 24, 11 am to close (Cindi to notify eNews)
  • Imperial Bottle Shop – October 25, 3 – 10 (Susan Duck to notify eNews)
  • Hip Chicks do Wine wine tasting – April 14, 2018 for now
  • Play-a-thon Sept. 15; 3:45 – 11:45
    • Fliers for back to school night – Gary
    • Aaron to put the website up by Monday
    • Funding needs to be moved to PTA – Aaron
    • Tami and Craig to help get more people signed up to volunteer, chaperone; potluck dinner and snack – Aaron to follow up
  • Pep band 8th grade outreach on Sept. 29th – pizza dinner here – Sasha for hospitality & sign ups for parent help
  • Tag day for sponsorships – Cindi to follow up regarding mailers, shoot for October 14th for tag day
  • Back to school night – we can have a stack of sign up forms which are good for raising awareness; Gary sent out an email today about signing up and Jen got some responses
  • November 7, possible Metropolitan Youth Symphony performance in the evening; could be a concessions opportunity; Jen will let Brianne know
  • T-shirt sale for parents could be an additional fundraiser; Jen to follow up with parent who suggested it


Disneyland Trip

  • Gary has received some additional requests to participate in the Disneyland trip; decided to open the registration window until the Monday (9/18) after Play-a-Thon
  • Gary will be sending out email reminders and will discuss at Back-to-School night
  • Scholarship requests are also due 9/18
  • Two new requests, board reviewed them and approved them both, Jen to respond to both requestors

Meeting Schedule

  • Third Monday of every month, starting with September 18th
  • Agenda for Sept 18th – Welcome/mission/purpose of FOCB (Aaron), filling volunteer needs, reviewing financials (Jen), Disneyland (Gary); lead on tag day sponsorship (Jen); Overview calendar/update event (Gary)
  • Nov/Dec meeting on Monday, Nov 27th
  • Board meeting approx. one week before – October 9th at 6:00, following months TBD

Documents Review

  • Cindi sent out link to bylaws and fiscal sponsorship agreement
    • Bylaws from another school, still needs proofreading;
    • No need for a provision about board approving check writing
    • Remove references to Dues
    • We can go in and edit on Google Docs
    • Bylaws and fiscal sponsorship suggestions by September 29th – Cindi to send out a reminder about a work on
  • Cindi will send out mission statement also, comments by September 29th as well
  • Contract for services with clinicians
    • Requires background check
    • Mention receipt for fingerprinting
    • Form approved with minor changes