This year’s Play-a-thon takes place on Friday, October 4th, 2019. This is our biggest fundraising event of the year and it’s a lot of fun.
Here’s how it works: At 3:30 pm on October 4th, ALL band students will converge on the band room and stay—and play—until midnight. Bands will play in rotation, giving students a chance to rehearse, jam and have fun—all of which is live-streamed starting around 6:00 pm until the lights go out around midnight. (Don’t worry, there will be plenty of food, movies to watch, and games to play to keep students energized and happy when they’re not playing music.)
It’s a long night, but it’s a great bonding experience and the kids love it. This fundraiser is simple, educational, but also extremely effective. Last year the kids brought in over $30,000. Not bad for a night of fun!
Students will officially kick off the Play-a-thon on September 18th. At that time a GoFundMe web page goes live and 100% tax-deductible contributions will start coming in. The GoFundMe page will be active throughout the Play-a-thon period.
Students who solicit the most donations may win a valuable gift certificate to a local music store!
Curious about what we are fundraising for? Check out the 2019-20 budget on our fundraising page ».
Please watch this space for more Play-a-thon details and how you can help out with this fun event.