All-City Congratulations

Congratulations to the following students who will participate in the All-City Band this coming Friday and Saturday:

  • Alice Bokman
  • Jesse Broderick
  • Gemma Canfield
  • Sebastian Elder
  • Maya Faulhaber
  • Ansel Harris Crowne
  • Maya Hausman
  • Cooper Headrick
  • Lorenzo Jamesbarry
  • Danielle Khoury
  • Eliana Leone
  • Lukas Oliver
  • Henry Parker
  • Ariah Piper
  • Vince Randol
  • Joe Selivonchick
  • Rowan Stout
  • Stella Tinker
  • Jeremiah Vasquez
  • Eden Warmflash

The performance will take place in the Cleveland HS Auditorium on Saturday, with the doors opening at 2:15pm and the concert starting at 2:30pm.