As I have gone through the video of the Play-a-thon with the bands to listen to their specific performances and debrief, I am so proud of our students and the work they did that evening. I then consider all of the parents that were behind the scenes containing and feeding the masses in the music wing. Then there are the folks that planned everything and executed the GoFundMe page and the live stream without a hitch. What started as a crazy idea, has grown into an event that brings our Cleveland Band Family together and strengthens the bond between the students and the parents.
Thank you Brian Richardson for your attention to detail in making the GoFundMe campaign a success. Thank you Tammy Lewis and Craig Lewis for all of your efforts with the planning and execution of the event. Thank you Leo Lawyer for the silly videos you were willing to shoot to show your support of our program. Thank you to the entire Cleveland Band Family for all of the support that you generated. I am truly blessed to be the band director at Cleveland High School.