CONGRATULATIONS students who have been accepted into a 2021 WIBC honor band are. We are proud of you for your hard work and dedication to your musical craft.
Thunderbird Band
Alice Bokman (Freshman) – Oboe
Liem Friel(Junior) – Trombone
Enzo Jamesbarry (Sophomore) – Trombone
Anwar Laraway (Freshman) – Percussion
Aidan Schauer (Junior) – Alto Sax
Firebird Band
Maya Hausman (Sophomore) – Flute
Sophie Jacqmotte Parks (Junior) – Trombone
Henry Parker (Sophomore) – Trombone
Ian Sage (Senior) – Percussion
Iris Stasiuk (Sophomore) – Flute
Stella Tinker (Freshman) – Baritone
Sunbird Band
Camille Burgoine (Freshman) – Flute
Cooper Headrick (Freshman) – Bass Clar.
Jack Lattimore (Senior) – Percussion
Phoenix Band
Isaac Engelmann (Sophomore) – Oboe
Ariah Piper (Freshman) – Bassoon
- Students from 5 states & Australia submit auditions to be considered for the four different groups.
- The four groups are Firebird, Thunderbird, Sunbird and Phoenix.
- Due to our current situation, students that are accepted will attend virtual master classes, sectionals and rehearsals over a two-day period.
- After the weekend, they will be given a window of time to upload a recording of their parts so a virtual performance can be produced.