2020-21 Jazz Audition Results

Congratulations to the members of the 2020-21 Jazz Ensemble. This has shaped up into an intriguing group. I am excited to see what this group can do next year. Thank you to all who auditioned!! – Mr R

Auden Koeneke, Lead Alto (11)
Hayden Spurgeon, Alto (10)
Rena Marthaler, Tenor (11)
Caleb Goodrich, Tenor (12)
David Knight, Tenor (11)
Aidan Schauer, Bari (10)

Liem Friel, Lead (10)
Enzo Jamesbarry, 2nd (10)
Aaron Asay, 3rd (12)
Mason Patrick, Bass (10)

Maia Connelly, Lead
Sal Wallin, 2nd
Miles Wheeler, 3rd
Davis Blecha, 4th

Ian Sage, Drums (12)
Noah Mortola, Drums (10)
Jack Lattimore, Aux/Vibes (12)
Radley Baker, Aux/Vibes (12)
Jason Tran, Piano (11)
Wah Ri Moo, Piano (11)
Josie Chatkupt, Bass (11)
Zoe Yazenchuk, Guitar (11)